Single or Double Cylinder Dead Bolts?
03/31/2014 Back To BlogWhen it comes to deadbolt installation, there are choices. The options are not confined solely on the model or brand but also whether to get single or double cylinder dead bolts. The truth is that double cylinder dead bolts are banned in many buildings based on the fact that they can entrap people within the house in case of an emergency. Though, it's useful to know the pros and cons of each type of dead bolt before lock replacement.
The pros and cons of dead bolts
Single cylinder dead lock installation will have you use the key only when you are entering or exiting the house. There is a keyway only in the exterior knob while the interior one is operated with a button, which will turn or be pressed in order to lock and unlock the door. If you proceed with double cylinder dead lock change, you will use the key for the interior knob, too. Both ways have their pros and cons for either your security or your safety.
Having a double cylinder bolt installed at the front door will stall you in case of an emergency, like fire. If you don't know where you placed the keys and need to get out quickly, you'll be in trouble. That's the main reason why double cylinder locks are usually forbidden. Though, they will be excellent for secondary door locks, glass sliding doors and windows. Having single cylinder locks installed in such entrances might compromise the house's security. Someone might break the glass and press the button of the interior knob in order to unlock the entrance. Double cylinder locks will require a key.
Although having simple latch locks replaced with single cylinder bolts is a must for front doors, naughty kids in the house might cause you headaches. They can simply turn or push the button and unlock the door in order to exit without you knowing about it. If double cylinder locks would be used, they would need a key. So, perhaps the presence of kids in the house might urge some families to install keyless electronic deadbolts to ensure both security and safety.